
This blog is first and foremost in dedication to the beautiful planet we all inhabit. The life she sustains and bounties she provides has sustained and satisfied humanity for tens of thousands of years, and continues to do so to this very day. If there is in one thing I hope you take away away from perusing this blog, it is that the world surrounding you is full of surprises, many of them delicious, and is deserving of your respect and protection.

Now onto the more minor partner of this blog, me, and the culinary world I grew up in and inhabit. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a family that takes great pride in both cooking, typically from scratch, and in growing our own fruit and vegetables. For me, I have always been infatuated with eating delicious food, but it took me a little while to catch the cooking itch, to realise how satisfying cooking is and how critical it is to my happiness. Thankfully, I had the best cook I will ever know to teach and guide me - my mum - and she continues to do so. Bless her patience.

Once the bug caught, I was lost and now I cook whenever I have the chance. There is no geographical or cultural limit to what I’ll try my hand at cooking, the more I learn and taste the happier I become. However, as I expand my repertoire in the kitchen, the urge to take it all back to basics and to truly appreciate the landscapes around me has grown within me. Simpler cooking methods that celebrate seasonal, sustainable and local ingredients, that is where I find the greatest pleasure and that is what this blog is for; to share with you all simple dishes that show that food doesn’t need to travel from afar to be delicious.